
My last letter in America


Dear all:

How are you doing?
This is my last letter in America.

I am in the process of packing my belongings and I am very happy because everything I am taking home will fit in my luggage. When I came to America I was excited to be packing my things to bring here, but now as I pack to come home I am sad. It is a very different feeling. In many ways I do not feel ready to return home even though I know I need to come home. I have many good friends here who I will miss and many good memories. I will not forget all of the things I have done with my friends. Even though I am not ready to return to Taiwan I hope that when I come home I will not have difficulties adjusting to how things were before I came here. My hope is to get a new job as soon as possible.

I thank God because He gave me the opportunity to come to America again. Last night at a christian meeting people from many different countries prayed for me. They are so kind, loving and helped me so much in these last four months. I know now is the time to separate from them, but I look forward to one day seeing them again. The friends that I have here are very important to me and if I did not have them I would not have had many good memories. I pray God will bless them with good health, safety and peace until next time we meet again.

I know not many people have the opportunity like I did to come to America. My dream to come here came true and I pray that others will be able to make their dreams come true also.

Tomorrow evening I will go to new york city again, and next day I will go back to Taiwan. So...see you soon !!!!

God bless you friends and family.


Yu Cheng.