


Hello Everyone,

I'm doing well but I miss all of you alot.
Right now I feel very confused and mixed up.
I want to come home and see all of you.
Also, everything is much easier there.
I can talk easy. the food is familiar and I'm comfortable at home in Taiwan.
But I don't know when I will come back here and I will miss all my new friends.
Since my sister left I've been more bored but I want to stay busy until I come home.
I know I will enjoy every minute of it.
Today, I was watching the cars go by and I told myself that I need to enjoy every minute that I'm here because when I go back I will miss America.
I know I will have alot of memories of all the things I've done.
Until I am home I hope that you will be safe and healthy.

You never know how much I miss you....

Take care.

Yu Cheng <Jannie>